崑崙山泓師父談 午休靜坐 noon break meditation by Master Hozn 淨壇神咒 Net Altar mantra 太上說法時。When Laozi preachs Taoism 金鐘響玉音。 Gold bell rings pleasing sounds
百穢藏九地。 Hundreds of organisms possess everywhere 群魔護騫林。 All Demons protect tall and erect forests 天花散法雨。The sky sprinkles the law rains
法鼓振迷沈。 Drum beat and Cheer obsessed.
諸天賡善哉。 The heavens Praise Taoism .
金童舞瑤琴。Golden Boys dance and play stringed instruments.
願傾八霞光 Willing to pour eight rays.
照依皈依心。 According to convert the heart.
蚤法大法稿。 Flea law makes big draft
翼侍五雲深。 Flying to five color Cloud.
崑崙山泓師父談 午休靜坐 noon break meditation
午休靜坐是在儲蓄能量 Noon break meditation can save energy
靜坐加睡覺,下午更有活力 Take a noon nap will has great vigor
不要吃得太飽,喝太多的水分 Do not eat too much, drink too much
想要短時間內,有效率的調整身心靈 Want to adjust body,mind,spirit in a short time
放鬆自己,沉澱心靈,完全休息 Relax myself,precipitate mind,complete rest
通風不燜熱,不要對著冷氣口 Ventilative,do not stew hot,do not face air condition
上班工作方便靜坐,可以不必盤腿 Convenient Meditation!!! May cross your legs or not.
最短時間恢復活力,就是吐納 To get vigorin in a short time is breathing exercise.
鼻子吸氣,嘴巴吐氣 Nose breathes ,Mouth exhales
氣息變慢,好像進入睡覺狀態 Slow the breath,take a nap.
身形筆直或扶靠休息 Streaighten your body or rely on wall
將早上工作累積的骯氣,舊氣,病氣,死氣通通吐出 Exhale dirty,old,sick,dead gas since this morning.
全身置換新鮮空氣,活化細胞 Replace frash air, activate cells.
心神安寧,不要再想事情,這是休息的靈 Quiet mind,do not be thinking, spirit rest.
去除雜念,幻想,進入清靜境界 Remove
distraction, fantasy. Come into the Quiet world
清靜心,與天地合一 The quiet mind merge into Heaven and earth.
感謝各位母娘慈悲 Thank you very much. Mercy Mu Niang.
台灣崑崙山王母娘娘 Doomsday Savior Psychic Master Hozn
who is the Abbot of Kunlun Yozu Palace
in Taiwan Yushan lines.
Taiwan Chiayi County Zhongpu Town Zhonlun village 40-8.
Cell phone 泓師父 手機 886-937618850
E-mail akingate@hotmail.com
The End 感謝您
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- May 08 Tue 2012 19:10
崑崙泓師談 午休靜坐 noon break meditation