静坐灵动 Dynamic meditation
静坐冥想是为了身体的休息,心智的反省, Meditation is to rest the body, Mental reflection
静静坐着,甚么事情也不去想; sitting quietly, Not think about anything;
让心中的杂念逐渐沉淀, Let the mind of the distractions gradually Precipitation,
不必有别的意念; Do not have to have other ideas;
甚至『放空』这念头也不要有, Or even ” empty” This idea is not to have,
身体放松然后进入虚空的冥想, Relax the body and into the void of meditation,
身心进入『定、静』, Body and mind into the fixed and static,
『灵』就会慢慢显现, “Spirit” will gradually appear,
将心智交给灵,思绪就能悠游、冥想; Mental to the spiritual, thoughts can float, meditation;
将身体交给灵,身体就能随灵而动, The body to the soul, the body can move with the Spirit, 犹如返回灵性母娘的娘胎, Like a return to the spiritual Mother’s womb 安祥、自在、备受呵护。 Serene, comfortable, cared for.
灵动是为了身心灵的合一, Dynamic meditation is the one for body and soul,
现代人工作繁忙,生活压力大, Modern busy, Life stress,
逐渐丧失灵性; Gradual loss of spirituality;
藉由灵动,释放不安能量; By Dynamic meditation,restless energy release;
启动灵性与累劫世原灵联机相通, Start the spirit . Connect with original soul .
激发灵感、Inspiration, 促进思考,To promote thinking,
新陈代谢、Metabolism, 活化身体、Activation of the body,
更新升级灵能,An upgrade to Spirit,
为生命找方向;Find direction for life; 这是无上的生命体验。 This is the supreme experience of life.
靈修.啟靈.通靈請教….請打電話0937618850 泓師父
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlcTtSdhB6c?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent]
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnAEsOqDaUE?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent]