無極母娘太極八卦陰陽五行圖 Figure Wu Chi Mu Niang Tai Chi Eight Trigram yin yang five elements
中國人五千年的智慧在於太極八卦陰陽五行圖 Chinese wisdom of five thousand years is Figure Tai Chi Eight Trigram yin yang five elements.
但現代人類難懂舊的資訊 But modern humans are difficult to understand the old information.
我花了十年的時間整合易經,八卦,陰陽,五行,子平八字,紫微斗數,河圖、洛書, I spent a decade integrating the I Ching, Eight Trigram , yin and yang, five elements, sub-level character, Astrology,River chart, Luo river book
欲看此圖 To see this figure
必須先從基本學習 Must start with the basic learning
天干Heavenly Stems :1甲 jiǎ 2乙yǐ 3丙bǐng 4丁dīng 5戊wù 6己jǐ 7庚gēng 8辛xīn 9壬rén 10癸guǐ
地支Earthly Branches :1子zǐ 2丑chǒu 3寅yín 4卯mǎo 5辰chén 6巳si 7午wǔ 8未wèi 9申shēn 10酉yǒu 11戌xū 12亥hài
[caption id="attachment_2790" align="alignleft" width="640" caption="太極八卦陰陽五行圖"]