
靈山復古收圓 Kulun Spiritual Inversion Manual by Hozn Kunlun translated by Pat 崑崙山 泓仁著作

靈山復古收圓 Kulun Spiritual Inversion Manual by Hozn Kunlun 崑崙山 泓仁著作 Pat translation


The (Mu Niang)"Divine Mother" in the ‘Spiritual Mountain noticed that Her spirits children had come of age. They were influenced by modern society. They (humans) had became very materialistic and self-centered. Due to work pressure, they do not even have the time to relax and did not even called home to talk to their mother.

People compete unscrupulously in order to survive. They aimed only to reach the zenith of their career and their daily meals, thus living in unhealthy lifestyles. Overworking their body. Looking for personal gains as they do not depend on others assistances as other people will take advantage. Eventually they might earn monies but its never enough due to inflation, increasing cost of living. Most common folks could not even afford an apartment. The sky are covered with a thick layer of black smoke caused by human industrialization. Even our waterways and ocean were not spared. Our plants and fruits are also poisoned (with toxic chemicals). ‘Divine Mother’ was concerned and sad. SHE thought: “How to rectify such social illness. How to awaken the ‘spirits’ and return to the original nature. Everyone can live a happy and healthy lifestyles.".
生命就像一顆火球,都要經過蘊藏,生長,進步,旺盛,滅亡的循環過程,生命的目的是甚麼??? 螞蟻只為了囤積食物,人類只為了賺錢,但都是為了有更美好的生存空間,生命程式本來就是這樣子的被設定,那是蘊靈造物的母娘(也可以是上帝,佛祖,老祖)設定了生命程式..而人類的生命程式最為精密,與人類連線對映的原靈,都是靈界高等修行者, 靈界高等修行者藉著與人類原兒的靈魂連線,在現實社會中體驗修行.

Life is like a ‘fire ball’. It need to be preserved, nurtured, improved, flourished, and death recycled. What’s the purpose of life? Even ants knew how to store and preserve food. Humans only care about earning monies. But its to improve their lifestyles. Life should be like-wise; To preserve the creation of “Divine Mother" (and/or God, Buddha or Laozhu [Tai Shang Lao Cun]) per-destined lifestyles. However, human life is complicated and sophisticated. Humans connection to our ‘original spirits’ energies are weak. But humans are the highest and advanced spiritual practitioners.

Their soul are the connection with these ‘advanced spiritual practitioners of the ‘original spirits realm’, furthering their spiritual cultivations in this modern society.
母娘設定生命程式最終的目的在於生命的永生不朽,要使人類長生不老成為佛,聖,仙,神. 人類生命修行的演練,在地球已歷經八百萬年以及六次的大滅絕. 最後一次是在六萬年前的火山爆發. 人類歷經一萬兩千年的冰河時期後,近五千年來, 人類發展文明,統治地球.

When ‘Divine Mother’ created life-forms, the ultimate objective was life immortality. Its to enable human achieve immortality to eventually manifest as Buddha, Divinity, Immortal or gods. Humans had survived in this universe for more than 8 million years, through 6 major catastrophes, the last of which was 60 thousand years ago massive volcanic eruptions. Hunan Survived the ‘Ice Age’ for 1 thousand 2oo years ago. During the past 5000 years, human had advanced scientifically and now ruled the Earth.

但文明的現代人類卻只顧個人的利益,社會的惡性競爭導致生存空間的壓迫,生態的汙染浩劫,人類抽乾地球母親的血液—-原油, 地球大滅絕,世界末日已經在眼前,於是母娘印記高等原靈的天命來到現代人類世界,帶天命的高等原靈降臨人類原兒身上,要來復古修圓,扭轉世界末日危機. 雖然這是不可能的任務,但母娘降臨台灣崑崙山,世界各地眾多靈子(高等原靈)來崑崙山領旨(領受指令),認識天命.

However, modern civilized humans are self-centered. Vicious competitions led to constraint of living space; ecological pollutions catastrophes; draining natural resources such as crude oil. These will eventually caused the end of the world ( many symptoms are visible). Thus ‘Divine Mother’ had dispatch highly cultivated ‘original spirit’ practitioners to this modernization society to safe us from causing the end of the world ["Inversion" through the 'Spiritual Inversion Manual']. Although this was a near impossible task, but “Divine Mother’ have manifested in Taiwan kunlun mountain. Many highly cultivated spiritual ‘practitioners’ from aboard had came here to receive ‘divine decree’ from ‘Divine Mother’ and further studied heaven destiny.
有一天,復古修圓的種子會在全世界發芽茁壯,從生命的體驗開始, 復古收圓讓人類找回美麗新世界.

Soon, these practitioners of the sacred “Spiritual Inversion Manual [復古收圓] " will spread world-wide. By experiencing a new lifestyles, these practitioners of the sacred “Spiritual Inversion Manual [復古收圓] will lead mankind back to be good old days.

    創作者 台灣崑崙山泓師父 的頭像


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