四柱八字命理學 Four Pillars of Destiny
天干Heavenly Stems :1甲 jiǎ 2乙yǐ 3丙bǐng 4丁dīng 5戊wù 6己jǐ 7庚gēng 8辛xīn 9壬rén 10癸guǐ
地支Earthly Branches :1子zǐ 2丑chǒu 3寅yín 4卯mǎo 5辰chén 6巳si 7午wǔ 8未wèi 9申shēn 10酉yǒu 11戌xū 12亥hài
Four Pillars of Destiny is a Chinese and Japanese conceptual term that describes the four components creating a person's destiny or fate. The four components within the moment of birth are year, month, day, and hour. The four pillars is used alongside fortune telling practices such as Zǐ wēi dòu shù (紫微斗數)within the realm of Chinese Astrology.
- 示例
時柱 | 日柱 | 月柱 | 年柱 | 四柱 |
丙 | 庚 | 丁 | 辛 | 天干 |
子 | 午 | 酉 | 卯 | 地支 |
The four pillars is an English translation of the Chinese dynastic phrase "Shēng Chén Bā Zì". The Chinese term (生辰八字 , ShēngChén BāZì) translates to "The Eight Characters of Birth Time". This is also referred to by the Chinese term (四柱命理學, Sì Zhù MìngLǐ Xué) which translates to Study of "Four Pillars of Life" Principles.
Commonly referred to by the shortened terms, "Four Pillars" or "BāZì", one of the most frequently[citation needed] used alternate phrase is "Four Pillars of your birth time". It is called BāZì (八字), Eight Characters, because each of the four pillars (representing the year, month, day, and hour of one's birth respectively) is represented by two characters; one character for a Heavenly Stem and one character for an Earthly Branch.
There are 10 Heavenly Stems (天干; TiānGān) and 12 Earthly Branches (地支; DìZhī). The 12 zodiac animal reference is a folkloric representation of the 12 Earthly Branches.
The Scholarly School began with Xú ZiPíng 徐子平 at the beginning of Song Dynasty(宋朝)
- Hirohito (also known as Emperor Shōwa), born April 29, 1901, died January 7, 1989. His birthday is 29 April 1901 a day called Greenery Day in Japan.
The chart is as follows:
Year of birth : 1901 : 辛丑
- Month of birth : April : 壬辰
- Day of birth : 29th : 丁丑
- Time of birth : a quarter past 10 at night (10.15 pm) : 辛亥
十神 制化 Ten God Systematization
Ten God is divided into:十神分為:
Positive and side-door 正財Positive wealth、偏財side-door wealth 、 正官Positive carrer、偏官side-door carrer(七殺knight)、 正印Positive life、偏印side-door life、 劫財Robber、比肩Helper,Villain、 傷官leader,knife、食神 luck
相生關係:正財偏財 生 正官偏官 生 正印偏印 生 劫財比肩 生 傷官食神 生 正財偏財
相剋關係:正財偏財 剋 正印偏印 剋 傷官食神 剋 正官偏官 剋 劫財比肩 剋 正財偏財
正如五行一樣,As the five elements, 十神相互產生 10 God with each other produce 制化作用:System function ■相生關係 Complementary effects :■相剋關係 Opposing effects :
八字的運氣Eight Characters of fortune
分為大運、小運及流年。 Divided into the big fortune,litte fortune and the fleeting time
大運管十年,由生月的干支順推或逆推。 The big fortune will be continued for ten years,pushed by the ten Heavenly Stems and the earth 12 branches of birthday push or inverse.
小運及流年管一年,小運是在命盤推斷出來, The litte fortune will be continued for one year,is inferred by Eight Characters.
而流年就是時運,這是細微的推論 The fleeting time is luck in time.This is the slight deduction