道教崑崙派(靈山派)  Taoist Kunlun Sect (Linn San Pai)



Kunlun Mountains is the birthplace of Chinese Taoism;  the motherland of mountains;

山上瑤池(Yozu Palace)

住著西王母(王母娘娘) Queen Mother (Wang Mu Niang Niang) lives in Kunlun mountain..


Queen Mother was held  peach grand meeting to banquet the gods at the Yozu Palace;

玉虛峰上玉虛宮   YuxuTemple on the Yuxu peak

鴻鈞老祖、Hongjun ancestors,

玉清元始天尊,Yuqing Yuanshi Senior,

上清靈寶天尊,Supernatant Lingbao Senior,

太清道德天尊..,Taiqing Dodee Senior,


Also from the Kunlun Mountains so many gods.


The Kunlun Pai is the source of Taoism, Kunlun Pai is the authentic,


Kunlun Mountains is god's mountains of the practice Immortals

老子道德經說 Laozi Dao Te Ching said:

玄牝之門,The gate of the mystical female ,

是謂天地根。is the root of heaven and earth,

玄 之 又 玄,mystery of mysteries

眾 妙 之 門 。 It is the door to the essence of all things !!!

有一個眾妙之門在道與世界之間.. 那是無極與太極的門..
It is a gate between Wu Chi and Tai Chi

從崑崙山進入,我們稱之混沌.. Enters from Kunlun Mountain..We call Chaos.

封神演義  Feng-Shen-Yan-Yi (the story of The gods are sealed in kunlun ) (西元前1211年)  : (BC 1211):

Kunlun Jiang Ziya  崑崙山姜子牙

Grand Duke Jiang investiture the gods - Receive Decree (姜太公封神──領旨 ), which means "Be the Savior"意謂要救世人.

幫助周武王 Help King Wu of Zhou

討伐紂王  Crusade against King Zhou

(西元前316年 Bc 316)


Sun Bin practice in the Kunlun Mountains, book The War Art of Sun Bin.

(西元1311~1375年 AD 1311~1375)


Generation of military adviser Liu Bowen Hermitaged Kunlun Mountains..

(西元1885~1975 AD 1885~1975 )


Liu Pei Xian Create Kunlun Immortal sect.


Taoist Kunlun Pai Focuses on Meditation, spiritual practice,Qi growth


Meditation is the precipitation mind, body make blood fluent,

所以不能枯坐、呆坐;Can not be uninteresting sitting, wooden sitting


Spirit practice is to reconcile the desire to repair mood, to be able to properly release the pressure;


Qi growth focuses on the body fluent and enhance the spirit energy, Integrates fusion essence of sun and moon all the world ;


Taoism Kunlun were no fixed  Canon, Ordinance, Or Leader


The Lord God is Mu Niang (Queen Mother) or Ancestors or Taoist trinity or All the gods ...

也就是一母多神 That is Mu Niang with All the gods

因此;   Therefore ;


As long as there is sense of God's existence; without any ceremony ..


General civil religion polytheism belongs to the Kunlun Pai (Linn San Pai)


the Kunlun Pai (Linn San Pai) is a continuation of the traditional beliefs of the original..


Away from bureaucratic ritual...The heart is honest, then spirit comes!!!


Ancient, the gods possessed spirit mediums giving medical treatment to solve the problem ..

但文明演化.. 現代靈乩角色已經改變

However, the evolution of civilization .. the role of the modern spirit mediums has changed


Many people seek spiritual source, understanding destiny, spiritual meditation.

到台灣崑崙山(上山領旨Uphill Lingzhi)

Go to the Kunlun Taiwan for spiritual meditation to Receive Decree.


經過  After

Step 1 :靜心靈修 Calm mind and Practice

Step 2 :啟靈母法 The method of grow spirit..

Step 3 :認母拜師 To recognize Mu Niang &  Apprentice

Step 4 :捨因果  To get rid of  karma

Step 5 :開靈點神  開(kāi) 靈(líng) 點(diǎn) 神(shén) dedication to Mu Niang

Step 6 :領旨修圓 Receive  cultivated Decree

Step 7 :通靈達真  Psychic to Reach reality

..靈修過程  Spiritual process ..

達到通靈的目的,成為道師Taoist Preist,為人辦事救世;

Achieve the purpose of psychic, Be a Taoist Preist,

Save the world and human services!!!

現代公元2000年後;AD 2000

台灣崑崙山瑤池宮 Yozu Palace in Taiwan

台灣嘉義縣 Chiayi County, Taiwan 中埔鄉  Zhongpu Town 中崙村 Jhonglun village

泓仁住持  Abbot Hozn

啟靈著作 母娘聖經 共二十萬字;Writting Mother Bible about 200,000 words


Promote Taoism, Interpretation of the concept of cosmic spiritual source,


From the Tai Chi through the chaos extended to the Wu Chi;


Open the philosophy of spiritual meditation for Taoist Kunlun Pai (Linn San Pai)

整合多神教分歧的看法;To Integrate the different opinion of polytheism


Strengthen the spiritual supply chain of Mn Niang polytheism


Master Hozn guided Kunlun disciple to grow spirit.


Kunlun disciple obtained spiritual achievements from Dynamic meditation.


Internal Cultivation for the soul,mind,body; External cultivation for the financial,the carrer,the life;

成就道教崑崙道師 Achieve Taoist Priest at Kunlun!!


To establish a new model for Taoist Kunlun Pai (Linn San Pai)

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