

參: 3: 文昌武曲 Wenchang  Wu Qu 狀元拜相燈..Champion Prime minister lights

瑤池西王金母娘娘御賜.. Yozu Mu Niang Gift

狀元拜相銅匾..Copper plaque 事業開展..Business to carry out ..

狀元及第..Foremost person in the field 金榜題名..Examination Success

仕途高昇..Career soaring 學業進步..Academic progress ..

早生貴子..Got Baby


狀元拜相銅匾;Champion Prime minister Copper Plaque;

據說這是乾隆皇御賜科舉狀元的銅匾 It is said to Emperor Qianlong Gift Champion Prime minister Copper Plaque;

崑崙祖師年輕的時候從厦門進入大陸 Kunlun founder young to enter the mainland from the Xiamen

適當的機緣輾轉穫得此寶物.. Appropriate opportunity obtains this treasure ..

帶回來放在瑤池宮內.. Brought back on the Yozu Palace

此銅匾歷史已超過百年歷史 The history of Copper Plaque is more than a century

母娘灌頂真言 Mu Niang Blessing mantra !!!

北斗九辰  Beidou nine gods     中天大神  God in the big

上朝金闕  Towards a imperial palace    下覆崑崙  Covered under the Kunlun

調理綱紀  Conditioning discipline    統制乾坤 Control universe

大魁貪狼  Candidate,Entertainer    巨門祿存  Examiner,Crown

文曲廉貞  Composer,Thrift    武曲破軍  Knight,Raider

高上玉皇  High on the Jade Emperor    紫微帝君  Purple King

大周天界  celestial sphere    細入微塵  Fine into the dust

何災不滅  Any disaster will extinguish    何福不臻  Any blessing will attain

元皇正炁  The original emperor has strong energy!!!    來合我身  The strong energy comes to my body!!

天罡所指 Referred to the Plows  晝夜常輪  Day and night, often Operates

俗居小人  an Secular unimportant person  好道求靈  seeking spiritual for Taoism

願見尊儀  Would like to see the respect God!! 永保長生  Eternal longevity

三台虛精  Three flats : virtual fine 六淳曲生  Six pure ,  Lives curving

生我養我  Birth me , Raise me 護我身形 Protect my body!!!


母娘灌頂御賜  Mu Niang Blessing Gift!!!

文昌武曲 Wenchang  Wu Qu 狀元拜相燈..Champion Prime minister lights

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