崑崙山天廚妙供Wonderful supply on Kunlu
戒定真香。Commandment give true incense.
焚燒起衝天上。Burning up On the sky.
弟子虔誠。Sincere Disciple
爇在金爐放。Burn up in the gold furnace.
頃刻氤氳。 Instant mixing.
即遍滿十方。That fill everywhere. 昔日耶輸,Former Transmission ,
免難消除災障。Free Disaster Eliminate barriers disaster.
南無香雲蓋菩薩摩訶薩〈三稱〉。Namo Hong cloud cover Buddha Mahasattvas (3 said).
天廚妙供 Wonderful supply for the sky kitchen
禪悅酥酡 Ecstasy Crisp flushed
戶唵蘇嚕薩哩縛 Hou An su lu sa li po
怛他阿誐多 tae dat a ou doo 怛你也他 tae li ya dat 蘇嚕娑縳訶 su lu so po ho
南無普供養菩薩摩訶薩 Namo General support Buddha ahasattvas Mahasattvas
摩訶般若波羅密 Mo Wisdom Paramita
我以普賢行願力 I would like to force the line to Fugen
修設花香燈塗食 Coated with fresh flowers lights repair set
微塵剎土諸賢聖 Virtuous Saints are like as Dust Land
一一遍禮皆供養 Everyone salutes with All Support
Doomsday Savior Psychic Master Hozn who is the Abbot of Kunlun Yozu Palace in Taiwan Yushan lines.
Taiwan Chiayi County Zhongpu Town Zhonlun village 40-8. Cell phone 泓手机 886-937618850 E-mail akingate@hotmail.com http://akingate.wordpress.com/ The End
末劫救世泓仁導師通靈請教 請ATM轉帳
銀行代碼:700【郵局】 帳號:0051008-1745371 或
郵政劃撥 30369259 陳泓仁 嘉義縣中埔鄉中崙40-8號 台3線公路300.5公里右轉上山 泓師父 手機0937618850 email: akingate@hotmail.com 網址 http://akingate.wordpress.com/
- Dec 02 Fri 2011 22:26
崑崙山天廚妙供Wonderful supply on Kunlu