

The spirit divine Kunlun Hozn Psychic advice !!!

世人總為私利 World people Always in order to gain

強奪.豪取.競爭.無所不用其極 Erosion. Take. Competition. To do anything

少數人擁有金錢,權勢,名利 Few people have money, power, fame and fortune

普通百姓,生活壓力大 Ordinary people, life stress

工作.事業.感情.金錢.都是煩惱 Work career. Feelings. Money. Are trouble

有先見之明的人會想到修行 Prescient people will think of practice

讓泓師父為您解開疑惑 Let master Hozn Unlock your doubts

使您了悟先天本命 Allows you to comprehending Innate Natal

認識您的屬性與命運 Know your Properties and fate

從修行透視您的人生 Perspective of your life From practice

從零出發從靈著手 Starting from zero Proceed from the Spirit

調整靈能.更新生命程式 Spirit can adjust Life program update

重新面對問題 To face the problem

而不選擇逃避.放下 Not choose to avoid. Down

不是有智慧就能出人頭地 Wisdom can not succeed

不是老實念佛就能平安無事 Not Buddhism can be honest without incident

總要靈能,福氣,生活安穩 Be Always Psychic Blessing to Stable life

查看您的三世因果 Check your Cause and effect of three generations

捨除因果.得到福報 Remove Cause and effect.. Get reward

探知靈源.了解天命 Discovery spiritual source.. Understand Destiny

認識靈魂的老母娘 Understanding Mu Niang of the soul

知道為什麼你來到世間 Know why you came into the world

知道你今生應該做甚麼事 Know what you should do something this life

信奉母娘 Believe in Mu Niang

母娘助你東山再起 Mu Niang help you make a comeback

讓您財官印亨通 Make You Money Cause Life Prosperous

讓您身心靈安穩 Make You Body Heart Spirit Stable

勸化世人渡化迷津 Persuaded of the world Crossing of the maze

渡靈收圓再造美麗新世界 Crossing of the Spirit. Wrapping Recycling Brave New World

台灣昆仑山瑶池宫住持 泓仁导师
Doomsday Savior Psychic Master Hozn
Taiwan Chiayi County Zhongpu Town
Zhonlun village 40-8.


Cell phone 泓师 父手机 886-937618850


请ATM转帐 银行代码:700【邮局】

账号:0051008-1745371 或

邮政划拨 30369259 陈泓仁

Beneficiary Bank : Citibank Taiwan LTD Taipei,
Taiwan, R.O.C.., Swift Code: CITITWTX
ADD:No.320,Chuiyang Rd,East Dist.,
Chiayi City 600,Taiwan R.O.C
Beneficiary Name : Chen Horng Ren
Beneficiary Account No :9150707373
Beneficiary Telephone No : 886937618850

    創作者 台灣崑崙山泓師父 的頭像


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