


崑崙山二日靈修  Spiritual Retreat Two day

祝香神咒. Wish  Incense  Mantra.

道由心學。Tao learn from Mind.

心假香傳。Heart transmits messages by Incense

香熱玉爐。Burning Incense in hot stove.

心存帝前。Heart is in the front of God!!

真靈下盻。The spirit god drops

仙旌臨軒。 The immortal arrives at the porch.

令臣關告。  Makes the official to inform

逕達九天。 Goes directly to for nine skys!!

所祈所願。 The prayer wish.  咸賜如言。Gift you as your prayer!!!

急急如律令敕 Rush As Imperative order

遠離塵囂 far away from the hubbub

找尋幽靜 Pursues lonesomely and quietly

周休二日 Two-day weekend        放鬆心情  Relax!@!!

無為作息 Inactivity work and rest!!!

隨靈所慾  Along with Spirit wants

重新出發  Embarks !!!  靜心靜坐 meditation by a peaceful mind,

沉澱自己 Precipitate Myself,

從靈開始  Starting from the Spirit,

反省修行  Reflect on practice,

掃瞄身心  Mental scanning,

排除靈障 Exclude the spiritual barrier,

破解無明  chaos break,

一心不亂  no chaotic mind,

更新生命Update fate,   升級靈能 upgrade Spirit

崑崙山瑤池宮 Yozu Palace in Taiwan

台灣嘉義縣 Chiayi County, Taiwan

中埔鄉  Zhongpu Town 中崙村 Jhonglun village

靈修聖地  Spirituality Shrine

歡迎您來 Welcome your visit!!!

台灣崑崙山末劫救世泓仁導師 Doomsday Savior Psychic Master Hozn 嘉義縣中埔鄉中崙40-8號

台3線公路300.5公里右轉上山;  Taiwan Chiayi County Zhongpu Town Zhonlun village 40-8.

泓師父 手機Cell phone 886-937618850 E-mail

靜心沉澱..二日靈修Two day Spiritual Retreat

靜心靜坐 沉澱自己 這是靈性修行的開始 靜坐為的是要掃瞄身心靈的障礙 在靈修中更新生命程式 找出身心靈障礙的解決出路 破解無明 潛心修行


來崑崙山遠離塵囂..只為了靜心修行.沉澱自己.當然修行不是要住五星級飯店..而是對大地自然的感觸與感受..人要回歸對環境的感覺..來這兒沒有山珍海味...但也不必勉強吃素..只是自然潔淨的食物...    關於住..山上溼氣重..要常潔淨身體..而山上的空氣..景色..真是人間仙境..多說無益..要身歷其境...才算數.. 在崑崙山上..只要被允許你可以自由在這兒完全不被打擾...吃住食宿...只為了獲得更多的靈能感覺...使自己靈能充電...將來回到紅塵俗世..靈能飽滿竭盡發展所能....(本會館沒有預設的宗教立場..只有母親的愛與關懷)附近景點有濁水潭...中崙溫泉..靜修鳳凰谷

[caption id="attachment_1443" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="靜心沉澱二日靈修.."]靜心沉澱二日靈修..[/caption]

禪修設備介紹:  本會館禪房住宿.. 用餐..盥洗衛浴一應俱全..


崑崙山瑤池宮  嘉義縣中埔鄉中崙村41號   台三公路302.5公里處右轉上山

The Kunlu Meditation Resort



The commune is a religion, following collectively on a mind judgement. The commune belongs to individuals who have joined hands with each other because they are going on an inner journey where they will be alone. But with so many people going on that inner journey alone the fear of being alone is dropped.You can share your experiences with each other; perhaps sharing your experiences with each other will help immensely. That's why therapies exist where people can open their heart and share their experiences.   But the commune experience is a therapeutic experience - day in, day out.

崑崙山靜心靈修 Static heart Practice Kunlun Mountains

是一個原始的,Is a primitive,
沒有偽裝的,Not disguised,

只是純樸的心靈上感受But the simplicity of spiritual experience

天地的靜心會館。World's meditation hall.

這裡沒有文明的包袱..  There is no burden of civilization ..

只有簡單的靜修禪房….The retreat only a simple Zen temple ....

剩下的就是美妙的山靈之氣..The rest is wonderful mountain spirit of the air ..

來這裡肯定可以得到你要的一片寧靜..Here you can be sure of a quiet ..


歡迎你的光臨 崑崙山靜心靈修

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