

[caption id="attachment_844" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="母娘道"]母娘道[/caption]

Mater Tao   母娘道

Modern civilization of mankind is a mistake,現代人類文明是個錯誤,

We continually pursue money and wealth to enjoy life. 人類不斷地追求生活享受與金錢財富,

Each person's private interests linked to form a society. 每個人的私利聯結而形成這社會,

This is a capitalist society. 這就是資本主義的社會,

Each person's wisdom and effort focused on the accumulation of personal wealth. 每個人的智慧與心力集中在累積個人財富之上,

Everyone knows the last two or three decades. 殊不知近二、三十年來,

This social change has become too intense. 這個社會的變化變得太過劇烈,

The main cause of social change is Human develop and use too much energy. 社會變化的主因是人類開發與使用太多的能源,

People want to know: 人類要知道:

Crude oil is the blood of the Earth原油是地球的血液,.

Forests are the earth's skin. 森林是地球的皮膚、

North and south poles is Earth's eye. 南北兩極是地球的眼睛,

Now North and South Poles, is rapidly melting ice. 現在南北兩極迅速的融冰,

Melting polar ice, is the Earth tears. 融冰是地球在掉眼淚,

Extreme climate means cranky Earth. 極端的氣候意味著地球的暴躁不安;

Not only that, 不只如此;

Human life is always in the pursuit of private interests, 人類生活始終在追求私人利益,

Civil society has become more realistic, cruel, 文明社會變的更現實殘酷,

Ordinary people can only keep working in order to obtain the cost of living. 普通百姓只能不斷的工作以求取生活費用,

All wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few top of the pyramid, 所有財富還是集中在金字塔頂端的少數人手中,

Arrogant people, if not to give up personal gain ideas. 高高在上的人若無法放棄私利想法,

Arrogant people, dealing with the crisis of the Earth, Even further to do with Earth Crisis高高在上的人對地球的危機再怎樣的處置與設想!

The crisis facing the planet: ecological pollution, extreme weather
All to no avail. 對地球所面臨的生態污染與極端氣候危機都是無濟於事。

Of you brothers and sisters: 諸位師兄師姐:

This is the final catastrophe the Earth. 這是地球的最後劫難,

Doomsday Savior Psychic Master Hozn in the Kunlun Mountains,Meditation and psychic to Mater. 末劫救世泓仁導師在崑崙山靈修通靈母娘,

To open this Mater Tao. 在此要開啟『母娘道』

Scenery maze for the world, 為世人點醒迷津,

Doomsday world's human primary children through the spiritual practice。使末劫世人類原兒,藉由靈性修行,

Turn things around,Find the way out of human。扭轉乾坤重新找回人類的出路;

Mater Tao is the common understanding of the human mind。『母娘道』是人類心靈共同的體悟,

Mater Tao is Beyond the fences of various religions。要超越各種宗教的圍籬,

No religious rules, ordinances, religious, leader。不設教規、教儀、教派、教主;

That is Mater of many gods and all religions。也就是一母多神各種宗教,

Mater is the source of the universe。以宇宙源頭—母娘,

To integrate Confucianism, Taoism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam。來整合儒、道、耶、釋、回;

The name of the Queen Mother also be called God, Buddha, Allah, Taoist .... and other. 母娘的名稱也可喚做上帝、佛祖、阿拉、道祖….,

Do not care about names, it all just for the sake of world peace; 不執著名相,這一切只為了世界和平;

Mater is the source of our souls。母娘是生咱靈魂的母親,
Mater is the common understanding of the human。以生咱靈魂的母娘為共同的體悟,

Mater is the source of allsouls 、all things and the universe, 母娘是宇宙萬靈萬物的源頭,

Mater raising soul and create bio-.是孕靈造物的母娘;

He who able to recognize Mater is Mater’s children. 能夠認識母娘的人就是『母娘』的原靈兒;

Mater’s children need to start the spiritual. 『母娘道』原兒要啟動靈性..

Practice inside the body, mind and spirit; 內修身、心、靈;

Away from the chemical toxic substances of the modern society . 並遠離現代社會的化學毒害物質,

Choose clean and natural way of life, 選擇乾淨自然生活方式,

To health, realization and spiritual based. 以健康、體悟、靈修為本。

In addition Mater’s children have to practice .. " wealth, career, life"『母娘道』原兒還要外修「財、官、印」,

In reflecting on the spiritual practice, 在靈性修行反省中,

Efforts to create wealth, make money. 努力創造財富的生財之道,

In order to improve society. 為的是改善社會…

Although the society is so realistic, 雖然社會如此現實

Mater’s children always enhance spiritual and open wealth, 但人類原兒總要能提升靈能開啟財運,

But also to career. Become middle forces,還要努力事業前途成為社會中間力量,
In addition to physical practice, food, clothing, housing, transportation, should be positive as. 除了身體修煉,食衣住行,都要積極作為。

With the basic spiritual practice. Mater’s children need to begin to realize Destiny. 有了基本道行,要開始認識天命,

You have to find the source of your soul. 尋求靈源;

knowing Mater,Studying with Master Hozn. 認母拜師、

Removing Cause and effect from Cumulative Generation lives. 捨除累劫世因果,

Accepting Mater’s decree. 領受母源旨令

Do not get lost in the Modern civilization of mankind. 不迷失於紅塵俗世之中,

..『Mater Tao』wishes everybody reach true psychic from being caught in the evil world. 『母娘道』願原兒能夠通靈達真免於陷入五濁惡世之中,

Execut Destiny,Save all Souls and all things. 更能行使天命救劫萬靈萬物,

Find a way for mankind. 為人類開創出路,

Create a new world for Mater Tao. 創造『母娘道新世界』。


Doomsday Savior Psychic Master Hozn who is the Abbot of  Kunlun Yozu Palace in Taiwan Yushan lines.

玉山母系崑崙山瑤池宮住持 泓仁導師

R.O.C Taiwan Chiayi County Zhongpu Town Zhonlun village 40-8.


Hand phone手機 886-937618850


The End 感謝您

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