若您從國外來..…If you come from abroad.

一下桃園機場請打電話0937618850給泓師父..Please call Msater Hozn

然後坐機場巴士 Shuttle Bus…

到高鐵嘉義站我會去接您..I will pick you up ..


Taoyuan Airport→Shuttle Bus→High Speed Rail Taoyuan Station→High Speed Rail Chiayi Station→Kunlu Shuttle Bus→Register→

Psychic Master Hozn lives in Chiayi County Zhongpu Town Zhonlun village 40-8.  handphone 0937618850

Three highway  Under the Zhongpu interchange
To  Taiwan freeway 3  300.5 km
Yun Mizutani Spa  Turn right up the hill ..


南二高下中埔交流道往大埔台3線公路302.5公裏澐水溪溫泉右轉上山..電話05.2534791嘉義縣中埔鄉中崙村40-8號..郵政劃撥30369259陳泓仁 手機0937618850

1.壹: 南二高速公路下(嘉義縣)中埔交流道往中埔方向...2.貳:便到了頂六

[caption id="attachment_585" align="aligncenter" width="640"]r01南二高下交流道往中埔方向 r01南二高下交流道往中埔方向[/caption]

參:往前走要註意看到指示牌要右轉往大埔西拉雅風景區方向...肆:到了中埔看到 瑤池宮右轉指示牌

[caption id="attachment_586" align="aligncenter" width="640"]r02遇三叉路往右大埔西拉雅風景區方向 r02遇三叉路往右大埔西拉雅風景區方向[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_587" align="aligncenter" width="640"]r03三叉路靠右 r03三叉路靠右r04到了中埔再往西拉雅方向[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_589" align="aligncenter" width="640"]r05中埔紅綠燈右轉 r05中埔紅綠燈右轉[/caption]


 陸:出中埔街道就看到 台三線公路 ; 過中埔橋..續往大埔方向

[caption id="attachment_590" align="aligncenter" width="640"]r06中埔的台3線 r06中埔的台3線[/caption]




[caption id="attachment_592" align="aligncenter" width="640"]r08註意三叉路要左轉往大埔拱橋方向 r08註意三叉路要左轉往大埔拱橋方向[/caption]

拾貳:過中崙隧道; 中崙到了 ;

[caption id="attachment_593" align="aligncenter" width="369"]r09中崙隧道 r09中崙隧道[/caption]

看到了中崙澐水溪溫泉公園 台三線300.5 公里 

[caption id="attachment_1389" align="aligncenter" width="533"]崑崙山到了 崑崙山到了就是這裏崑崙山[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1392" align="aligncenter" width="640"]就是這裏崑崙山 就是這裏崑崙山[/caption]

拾伍:到了看到崑崙山瑤池宮指示牌右轉上山 要過四號橋右轉上崑崙山...或在此招牌打電話問路況..

或從從嘉義火車站旁邊..嘉義縣公車處..Next to the train station from the Chiayi County Bus .. ..

搭乘嘉義農場大埔線縣公車.(約中午十二點發車) Take Chiayi County bus to Chiayi field Tai Po line. (About noon start)

到中崙瑤池宮站牌下車..To Chung Lun Yozu Gong Stop sign off .. 走路上山約十五分鐘 About fifteen minutes walk up the hill

When you come to Chiayi high speed train station,you could take BRT接駁公車. It is free to chiayi train station. Then call 鄭 儒 門計程車 Taxi:0933682449. He will take you to Kunlun Mountain about 30 minutes. Have you ever been to Chiayi. May you have a nice trip. If you stay overnight ,Maybe weekends are better!! Kunlun Hozn Psychic-Master‘s is cell phone 0937618850..

Let us explore the plight of the world doomsday. We also hope you can sponsor Psychic Master Hozn.   Psychic Medium Hozn’s email: akingate@hotmail.com


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