上山領旨 報名請洽泓師父 (05)2534791..0937618850
上山領旨 報名請洽泓師父 (05)2534791..0937618850
崑崙山靈修行次第(上山領旨) Kunlun Mountains Spiritual practice sequence (Uphill Lingzhi)
Step 1 :靜心靈修 Calm mind and Practice
靜心靜坐 meditation, 沉澱自己 Precipitate Myself,
從靈開始 Starting from the Spirit, 反省修行 Reflect on practice,
掃瞄身心 Mental scanning, 排除靈障 Exclude the spiritual barrier,
破解無明 No clear break, 一心不亂 no chaotic mind,
更新生命Update fate, 升級靈能 upgrade Spirit
Step 2 :啟靈母法 The method of grow spirit
清靜(Quiet)-->從零開始(From zero start)-->從靈著手(Proceed from the Spirit )-->
通靈協定(Psychic Agreement )-->吐納(Gateway)-->
淨三業(Net three Burdens)-->啟靈導引口訣(Kai Ling guide formulas)-->
啟動靈性(Start spirituality)-->踏七星(Step seven stars)-->
轉八卦(Transfer Eight Trigrams)-->朝九天(toward the highest heavens)-->
三花聚頂(The top three essence together)-->五氣朝元-->(five elements toward spirit)
通靈達真(Psychic to Reach cleverly really)-->修真修圓(Satisfactory Comprehension)
Step 3 :認母拜師 Recognize Mu Niang & Apprentice
志 aspiration
皈依母 Converted to the mother 無極瑤池 Wu Ji Yozu
實踐聖道 practice Saint 普行大願 Exercises hopes greatly
志 aspiration
皈依道 Converted to the Tao 神佛聖賢 God Buddha saints and sages
慈惠明悟 aware cleverly kindly 崇拜敬仰 admiration worship
志 aspiration
皈依師 Converted to the Master
崑崙導師 Kunlun Master
教化修靈 Spiritual enlightenment practice
通靈達真 Psychic to Reach cleverly really
Step 4 :捨因果 To get rid of karma
往昔所做諸惡業 Past have done evil and Burdens
皆由無始貪嗔癡 Because all angry crazy corrupt
累劫世 Accumulation generation 本命因果 Natal causal and effect
三業六根 Three Burdens and Six roots 口犽詛咒 quarrel and curse
今皆懺悔 Now all confesses 冤親債主 Karmic creditors
無形纏對 Invisible ties down 宿世業障 Fate karma
盡捨因果 Clear cause and effect 解冤謝結 To solve wronged rancor
一切歸零 All zeros
還全本來面目 turn back true features
身心靈皆清淨 Body , spirit and mind are pure.
Step 5 :開靈點神 開(kāi) 靈(líng) 點(diǎn) 神(shén)dedication to Mu Niang
人生懵懂 Life ignorant 生從何來 Life from where?
文明障礙 Civilization barriers 不識靈性 Can't know the spiritual
俗世痛苦 Earthliness pain 見母才知 know after seeing mother
啟動靈性 Start spirituality 靈動修真 Dynamic meditation & Cultivating true virtue
奉聖清香啟聰明 Selects the incense to worship,getting smart
開起靈竅點元神 Opened Spirit & awaken Originally god
靈光一閃入神胎 Flash entering God embryo.
揮請原靈來入神Pray for the original spirit coming
生命更新Update fate, 靈能升級upgrade Spirit
Kai Ling point God---Restoration life luck base
Step 6 :領旨修圓 Receive cultivated Decree
靜心靈修 Calm mind and Practice 啟靈母法 Kai Ling parent
認母拜師 Recognize the mother & Apprentice
捨除因果 To give up the causes and effects
開靈點神 Kai Ling point God 形踏七星 Seven step-shaped
心轉八卦 Heart bypass Eight Trigrams 靈到九天 Spirit to the highest heavens
感應天命 Induction destiny 累劫世中 Samsara life
體認大道 Realize Avenue
領旨修圓 Receive Decree Rounding
Step 7 :通靈達真 Psychic to Reach reality
聖道原兒 Saint Tao original children 體解母心 To understand Mother
一母多神 A Mother polytheism 多元社會 Pluralistic society
生活靈修 Spiritual Life 陰陽調和 Yin and yang elements is well distributed
五行八卦 Five elements of Eight Diagrams
天干地支 Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches
天文地理 Astronomy, geography 通徹靈心 Pass thorough spiritual heart
明心見性 Engages in introspection sees the nature
通靈達真 Psychic to Reach cleverly really