

崑崙山泓師父談睡前靜坐 Master Hozn Kunlun talks about Bedtime meditation

願消三障諸煩惱 Hope slove various troubles

願得智慧真明瞭 Hope have the wisdom to understand really

普願罪障悉消除 Hope Crime and Barrier to eliminate

世世常行菩薩道 Always running Buddha Road!!!
崑崙山泓師父 Master Hozn Kunlun 今天要談 Today to talk about

睡前靜坐 meditation before going to bed
昔日堆高機小黃師兄 Forklift Hong, in Former.. 身價上億.如今流落街頭    Worth millions and now living on the streets
世事難料. It is unexpected that always happens.

信任親友  Trusted friends and relatives 卻遭人設計陷害  Is being framed
昔日叱吒風雲人物  Former all-powerful figure 今日淪落街頭  Reduced to the streets today
故事啟示.我們應時時  Story of enlightenment, we should always

自我反省.也就是要修行  Self-examination. That is, to practice
要跟泓師父修行..首先 Practice with Master Wang first  .. keep up 要從.睡前靜坐.開始  From. Bedtime meditation. Start

五濁惡世工商繁忙.非常 People are Very busy in business. 投入.連吃飯時間都沒有 Into business. No time even to eat

每天睡前十五分鐘靜坐  Sit before going to bed fifteen minutes a day
透過反省的力量.免於災難 Through the power of reflection. From disaster 免於紅塵俗世的沉淪   From Red earthly sink

睡前靜坐.不必刻版嚴格  Sit before going to bed. Not engraved version of the strict 只要達到自我反省的目的 As long as the purpose to achieve self-reflection
須確認臥室.空氣流通. 舒適.安靜 Required to confirm the bedroom. Airflow Comfortable quiet

睡前的身體狀況調整.讓身心靈都歸位 Adjustment of the physical condition before going to bed.   Let   Body and soul are the property of bit.

身體的微動.盤腿坐姿 自我調整 The body's micro. Sitting cross-legged Self-adjustment

自我身心掃描.反省當日作為.是我的過錯就要   懺悔改過 Physical and mental self-scanning reflection day  As Is my fault will   Repentance to turn over

別人的過錯加諸於我.  The fault of others imposed on me. 要記取教訓.免於再受痛苦..To remember the lessons. Suffering from longer
靜坐本靈自有修圓補缺機制. 本靈能修補缺陷 Rounding the soul its own sit-filled mechanism.    The Spirit can repair defects
靈光一閃.靈感加被. A flash. Plus be inspired. 讓您看見自己的缺點 Allows you to see your own shortcomings.

靜坐可以幫助睡眠.  Meditation can help sleep. 鼻子吸氣嘴巴吐氣.   Nose and mouth breathing. 吐納胎元.調整脈息.    Fetal breathing Adjust the pulse rate.

經過十五分鐘.調息漸穩  After fifteen minutes getting stable interest rate adjustment 慢慢進入睡眠.修養生息  Slowly into sleep. Cultivation live
睡覺時腦波運作  brain waves operate when sleep!!! 靈魂更新.本命元神得以強固 Soul of the update. Your own path to God make strong
原靈吸取白天訊息  The original spirit manage the day message 再轉化經驗靈感給肉體  And then converted to the physical experience of inspiration

一覺睡醒.讓您充滿活力  To sleep wake up and make your dynamic 應付下一日的挑戰    To meet the challenges of the next day
崑崙山修行的第一步. Kunlun Mountains, the first step in practice.

睡前靜坐.持之以恆 Sit before going to bed. Persevere

再讓泓師帶您進入靈修 更高境界 Let Master Hozn take you into the spiritual Higher level

台灣昆崙山瑤池宮住持 泓仁
Doomsday Savior Psychic Master Hozn

Taiwan Chiayi County Zhongpu Town
Zhonlun village 40-8.

Cell phone 泓師父手机 886-937618850

E-mail akingate@hotmail.com



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