母娘心咒 Mu Niang’s Heart Sutra 崑崙泓師啟靈著作 spirit by Kunlun Hozn

靈感觀音母 感應復古修圓之天命

Spiritual Guanyin felt the destiny of Inversion.

She clearly saw that people are suffering during the five-evil world,

Psychic heart,

貪不異苦, 苦不異貪, 貪即是苦, 苦即是貪
Greedy is no different to Suffering, Suffering is no different to Greedy.
That which is Greedy is Suffering, that which is Suffering, Greedy.

名,利,財,勢,亦復如是 心通靈是自性清靜.

Fame, Interests, Wealth, Power, are also like this.
Psychic heart is quiet natural instincts

They are neither appearing nor disappearing, neither impure nor pure, neither increasing nor decreasing.

是故自性 ,無貪,無名,利,財,勢
Therefore, in natural instincts, no Greedy, no Fame, Interests, Wealth, Power.

無,喜,怒,哀,樂, 無,愛,恨,情,仇, 只是清靜

No, joy, anger, sadness, happiness, No, love, hate, love, hatred, Just quiet

無極樂乃至無苦難, 無無繁華,亦無無繁華盡

No bliss up to no suffering;

No depression and no end of depression, death;

Up to no evil world and no end of evil world, death;

無蘊,生,進,旺,滅, 無劫難亦無末世

No preserved, nurtured, improved, flourished, and death.

No catastrophe and nor the end of the world.

以無末世故, 母娘慈悲,喚醒復古修圓之天命

Because of no the end of the world, Mercy Mu Niang awake the destiny of Spirit Inversion.


Heart without confusing, People without greed, will make no ecological pollution.

遠離文明毒害, 擁抱天地自然

Far away from civilization poisoned, embrace the natural world.


Gods and Buddha execute the destiny of Spirit Inversion.


All creature and spirit attain the comfortable quiet New World.

故知母娘心咒 是靜心咒,是解厄咒,是靈感咒,是救世咒,

Therefore, know that Mu Niang’s Heart Sutra is the meditation mantra, relief mantra, spiritual mantra, saving mantra.


It can save the world suffering, and is real, not false. So that Mu Niang’s Heart Sutra say:

母娘慈悲 開靈點神 身心靈合 精氣神聚 賜我福慧 成我上願

May Mercy Mu Niang open my chakras!!! Fit my body, mind, spirit. Focus on my essence, energy, god. Gift me wealth and wisdom and come true!!!!

母娘心咒 Mu Niang’s Heart Sutra


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