
瑤池聖境 The Yozu Neverland 母娘聖經 Mu Niang Bible 205

第十二節 瑤池聖境

Section 12 The Yozu Neverland


“In the immortal light, Mother's spirit Power became a pool of chaotic energy (Qi).

 The Qi shines sparkly brightness around the dragon (turtle) mountains. It is so called “Yozu”.


Yozu is the hub of the Ninth Heaven. All the Qi is accumulated at here. “Yozu” is full of spirit energy in the northwest universe.

The sunshine is from the southeast. The Dragon defends in the east. The Tiger guards the west. There is a black energy hole in the northwest universe. There is a palace which lives Wang Mu Niang Niang above the “Yozu”. It is the “Yozu” Palace.

There is a peaceful country in the south. The country people can get sun energy. There is a spirit government in the north. The government with armed well and people trained well. On the top of “Yozu” Palaces is full of the chaotic energy widespread 30000 miles.


The “Yozu” Palace has gold wells and jade gates. The attic was decorated with gold and jade. The “Yozu” Palace has 12 god palaces.

The watchtower always fills with the purple Qi. The houses are gorgeous. The rooms are splendid. There are so many caves to connect all over the spirit world.

The phoenix flies and makes purple clouds into spirit text. The text is colourful and beautiful in the space.

The precipice has purple pillars. The purple pillars are in full bloom and the mountains are in full by green forest. All the roots of trees formed jade and agate. The fruits which are red cores and white circuits are the immortal essence.


The garden of Palace is in full bloom flowers. The perfume of flowers is present all over the air. The various Qi is also prosperous all over the air. The wonderful voice sounds beautifully. The Dragons are clamoring in the cloud. The phoenixes are shouting loudly.

Thousands of poison animals and the large snakes are everywhere.


The “Yozu” Neverland is a bright spirit world. The “Yozu” Neverland is constructed by super strings of spirit children. The super strings construct membranes. The membranes of spirit children are ever changing. The membranes of spirit children are great power. Therefore, The “Yozu” Neverland is a most bright spirit world.


There are trillions of beautiful clouds in the Yozu Neverland. The greatly complete bright cloud, the big mercy bright cloud, the big wisdom bright cloud, the greatly propitious bright cloud, the big mercy bright cloud, and so on.

There are numerous innumerable bright boundaries in the “Yozu” Neverland. Above is the so called the “Yozu” Neverland.



This is different from the new born spirit world of origin souls. Here are all sorts of subtle sounds.  The mahatma sound, the greatly kind sound, the greatly mercy sound, the greatly praying sound, all kinds of nature wonderful sounds make comfortable and  make praise.

 The beautiful images and wonderful sounds has decorated the Yozu Neverland.  The decoration of the Yozu Necerland was the high specification.  But also the Yozu Necerland is metaphysical, abstract, only for an idea.

The “Yozu” Necerland mirrors the real human world. The “Yozu” Necerland is the ideal boundary of the human world. So the “Yozu” Necerland is perfect.

第十三節 十二神宮

Section 13 Twelve God Palaces



The “Yozu” God palaces are grand. Clouds are everywhere. The towering hall is worth to be praised. This is the genesis of God. The God Palace is the great masterpiece of spirit roots in the Ninth Heaven.

Above northern windows of the hall of “Yozu” Palaces, there is the purple Qi(gas). The Qi forms the unreliable article. The size of character is 100 feet². The character is sparkle. The book from the ninth heaven is winding and wonderful and the book can not be known in detail.

有一靈界先知號九天丈人,清齋雲宮,宴景龜山,仍刻金簡,繕書玄文。解其宿滯,演其靈音,記曰: There is a prophet named “九(jiǔ) 天(tiān) 丈(zhàng) 人(rén) “ from the ninth heaven. He lived in the cloudy Palace. He always came to “Yozu” Palaces and he wrote text on the gold. The wonderful text was made into a book. Now decode the book, understand its meaning.

 It is called:


”龜(guī)山(shān) Dan Qi Mu Niang Flying Purple Text”.


The essence of Qi sublimated into Dan Qi. Qi is energy.


The flying unreliable purple Qi condensed into spirit roots. The Yozu Palaces were full of all gods and spirit.


The Qi was nature born into everything in the space.  There were 12 god Palaces in the Yozu Neverland.


The building was so high that passed through the clouds. The Qi roved hither and thither at the palaces.


So many unicorns and kylins ramble around the green hall. There were nine gold immortals came into the Palace from the space.


The Horn sounded. Dan Qi Mu Niang came into the “Yozu” Palace. Mu Niang riding the Phoenix flew in the clouds.


Left hand held jade Ruyi. Right hand grasped the soul flag


The devil of five elements paid respect to “Mu Niang”.


“Mu Niang” grasped the born gate with the charms. “Mu Niang” always ate the essence of sun and moon. And she drank pure mountain water.


“Mu Niang” breathed to build up five souls.  The five souls contain the five elements of Metal, Wool, Water, Fire, Earth. All the elements were everywhere in the “Yozu” Palace.


Golden brightness was shining sparkle in the Palace. The houses were decorated with gold. The “Yozu” Palace is magnificent.


Only the Master Kai Min understood the Flying Purple Text. The Master Kai Min was good at astronomy. The astronomy contained the sun, the moon, the big dipper.


At this moment, there is a Master leading millions of immortals. And so much purple Qi(energy) operated to turn around.


The master leading millions of immortals passed through the astronomy.

The astronomy contains every seven stars of the east, the north, the west, the south.

The millions of immortals were granted an audience with “Wang Mu Niang Niang”.


If The human people wants to see the “Wang Mu Niang Niang”, he must understand this purple text and practice.


If you think fine and closely woven, you can be induced and understand the purple text.


You could soul out after practice the purple text for more three years ago.

You could fly in the sky after practice the purple text for more nine years ago.


You could fly like the phoenix to the “Yozu” Palace. Then you could see so many immortals even the “Wang Mu Niang Niang”.


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