[caption id="attachment_2839" align="alignleft" width="640" caption="Kunlun Charities"]崑崙救世會[/caption]




Kunlun Charities崑崙救世會


母娘救地球  回收舊衣物 God save the planet. Recycling used clothing

崑崙救世旨 萬物渡遠洋 Salvation instruction : Everything will be

all over the world to help poor people.

回收舊衣物將以貨櫃送往貧窮落後國家,Recycling used clothes will be sent to the poor countries.

歡迎來幫忙整理衣物分類 Welcome to help classify clothing.

收件地址 addressee: 嘉義縣中埔鄉中崙村40-8崑崙山瑤池宮 泓師父 0937618850

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